Our Partners

Our Three Pillars

Foster Village Charlotte




Surrounding those in the foster system with a village of support for a dignified childhood for all experiencing foster care.

Foster Village Charlotte (FVC) believes that strengthening the systems that support children experiencing foster care leads to a resilient next generation that breaks the cycle of childhood adversity and trauma. FVC has developed and launched a variety of programs under three pillars: Equip, Connect, and Advocate. To learn more about their mission and how you can help, visit their website @ www.fostervillagecharlotte.org.

Murphy-Harpst Children’s Center

Murphy-Harpst is an independent not-for-profit organization committed to meeting the needs of abused and neglected young people through residential treatment, placements in specialized foster care, and community programs that serve at-risk youth and their families. In partnership with the United Methodist Women national office, our services are available to all children regardless of sex, race, color, or creed, and whose needs can be addressed and treated within the scope of program services. Visit them at murphyharpst.org.

Calvary Children’s Home

Founded in 1966, Calvary Children’s Home is a home for children in the Metro Atlanta area that need to live apart from their families. We provide a safe, loving, Christian home for these children while providing them with a stable home life. We strive to give the children entrusted in our care the very best skills, education, and values so that they may become responsible, productive members of society. Attending church, local schools, and participating in after school and community activities provide a sense of normalcy and gives our children experience in the real world. Visit them at calvarykids.org.

Chosen for Life Ministries

Chosen for Life Ministries began ten years ago when a small group of people began to dream of a ministry that could raise awareness and provide support for adoptive families. A lot has happened over the last ten years, but we believe that there is still more to be done. Visit them at chosenforlifeministries.org

For 150 years, Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Home has served children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or trauma. They currently offer residential treatment, independent living, community-based behavioral health, outpatient therapy and adoption services. Visit them at www.kyumh.org.

WinShape Homes

With a vision and belief that all children deserve to feel loved and well-cared for, S. Truett Cathy and his wife, Jeannette, established WinShape Homes over 30 years ago. Today, they have placed hundreds of children in need with families who are guided by Christ to care, and continue to support church ministries in establishing foster programs. WinShape families rely on an unparalleled network of care designed to ensure that children are restored in mind, body and spirit. Visit them at homes.winshape.org

Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Home

Hope 1312 Collective

At Hope 1312 Collective, they engage the church and community to enter the story of child welfare by providing tangible hope to children in hard places. Their efforts were launched in 2014 by a small group of community members, social workers, foster parents, youth pastors, and business executives who were tired of seeing kids linger in the foster care system and kids from hard places continue to struggle to find Hope. They wanted to see resources leveraged for meaningful impact, see the church truly be the church, and lives changed through an encounter with Hope. To learn more about who they are and what they do, visit their website at www.hope1312co.org.

Goshen Valley

Since 1999, Goshen Valley has been caring for vulnerable families and children in Northwest Georgia and Metro Atlanta. Their mission is to provide hope and healing to foster youth and vulnerable families to cultivate personal healing and generational change. More than 120 kids in their residential programs experience the safety of a home, the love of a family, and the hope of a future daily. To learn more visit them at www.goshenvalley.org.

4KIDS is propelled by the vision of a home for every child. Whether a family is in crisis and at-risk of breaking down, siblings are coming into the foster care system, or a child needs to experience trauma-informed therapy–4KIDS is there, bringing hope, homes, and healing to children and families in crisis.

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